Pamper Helga Day

It’s not often I have a day where I pamper me! But that’s what happened yesterday. It was a pretty ordinary day! It started with a hair cut and snowballed. After the hairdresser I went and had a pedicure, which included a foot scrub and massage. I was there for ages, but it left my toes painted and my feet soft. What a treat! I had to buy a few groceries and on the spur of the  moment, decided lunch could be a sushi snack, so I treated myself to this…

Sushi treat

Don’t drool now!

On the way home, I did one other feel-good thing for myself and bought a Big Issue…

Big Issue


I seldom read it, but it’s the R10 that goes to the vendor that does it for me. The seller was looking hot and tired, so my R20 bought a welcome relief.

Proverbs 19:17 always comes to mind when I give to the poor

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.

You don’t give to get in return, but I always find it a relief when I do the right thing.

But to do the right thing, you have to be prepared. So often I am not and then it’s difficult.

Yesterday was a good day.

Today is a new day. As I reflect on yesterday, I smile at its uniqueness.

These are the days.

Five things I am grateful for right now….

1. My husband, who never ceases to amaze me with his love, kindness and appreciation towards me.

2. My children who are a breath of fresh air every time I encounter them (almost every time!)

3. My friends. Friendship is a treasure. I appreciate mine.

4. My home – while far from organised right now, far too cluttered, the garden far too overgrown – it is my safe place and I dance within its walls, grateful for its shelter.

5. Occupation – It is the reason why my home is a bit disorganised – I have another focus at the moment. But it gives me a great kick to be doing something useful. I see the part I play in the job that I do and, even when those for whom I am working don’t even know, I get a great deal of satisfaction out of doing it.

All these things come from God. I acknowledge that. May He be glorified in all He has done for me. My cup is full.

Yes. These are the days. I appreciate today.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In his Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


The new haircut



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