The Trees Got Cut


Dear Elsie

Today was the day the trees (finally) got cut. They were obstructing the main electricity line into our house. More than a year ago I reported it. Nothing was done. This year I reported it again, especially after the 7th April fire. The main neighbourhood watch chairlady raised it with the local counsellor and she took it up with the electricity department. Today a truck rolled up. I got a call and half an hour later the job was done.

They also cut down a massive dead bush just off our balcony.

They loaded it up and took it all away.

One big job done. After all the winter rains, there is quite a lot of trimming that needs to be done. We’ll have to have a discussion about when and who…it may be a Courage job but there is still so much of it, there will need to be a bakkie that carries off all the branches.

The wind continued to blow today, churning the sea into a milky green.

Looking in the other direction, you can see where the colour changes. I’m not sure why.

Tomorrow, the wind is forecast to drop in the morning, so we may get out for a swim. That’s the goal at any rate. This morning, I went for a 6km windy walk which got me all my exercise and steps up front.

One of the Bible verses I encounter every November on this day…words are not minced here…

Ezekiel 16:49
“’Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.”

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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I’m 60 Now – Here Are My 6 Tips For Happiness


Dear Elsie,

Now that I’m 60, here are my 6 Tips for Happiness.

  1. Have faith. See the bigger picture – it’s not about now – we are only passing through. Everything we have is temporary. That’s an unsettling thought but it’s true. From the homes we live in, to the body in which we spend our lives – they will both be replaced. Heaven awaits and with it a new home and a new body. We don’t know how it works but we know that it will be beyond our wildest imagination.
  2. Keep the smile going – I am always amazed at the drop of dopamine that gets released along with a smile. It’s just a healthy thing to do.

3. Do stuff that makes you happy! For me it’s walking – walking has so many benefits. Gets me away from my screens, clears my head, relaxes my shoulders and keeps me  fit. I also love swimming.

4. Let past regrets be gone – you can’t change the past – you can live better putting regrets behind you and moving forward.

5. Make the most of your relationships with family and friends. One of my favourite photos of this year…these are precious moments.

6. Have a positive attitude, and especially an attitude of gratitude.  This has to be practised. It doesn’t necessarily come naturally. I try beginning each day being grateful.

Keep on keeping on!

Hebrews 7:25
Therefore, He (Jesus)  is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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Hello 60s


Dear Elsie

Today is the day I entered the 60s. My 60th birthday began early. I woke up at the crack of dawn. By 5.11am on 5.11.2024, I was enjoying my first morning cappuccino.

Today we went to Kirstenbosch for breakfast and Cattle Baron for dinner. I took no photos at dinner, but got all the fun and beauty of Kirstenbosch. Tuesdays are free for pensioners.

We went to Moyo for breakfast which also has a pensioner’s rate along with a free coffee. Good to know.

After brekkie, we went to the Boomslang (Tree Canopy Walkway)

And then through the Enchanted forest…

We rested at the events area…

We went down to the stage and had some fun. David nailed it.

I had my moment too….

Hello 60! It’s great to be here.

Hebrews 7:25
Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Good Bye 50s


Dear Elsie

Today was Granny’s last day in her 50s. I tried going for an early morning walk. I got to the start of the street when some big, swollen rain drops began to fall. I saw trouble coming and scuttled home. Whenever I thought it was clear enough for a walk, the next squall would blow through. After I finished work, Julian and I decided to give it another go. We started off on a walk to the beach. The south-easter is blowing, which usually means it will be fair weather, but when I looked towards the south, there was a very ominous cloud, yet on we went. We got to the start of the road and again, it began to spit. We changed our plans and walked closer to home, passing our house and onwards. By then the drops had become more frequent until eventually there was a steady shower, which got stronger as the moments passed. We turned around and rushed home, getting very wet in the process!

I had a shower and got into dry clothes and am now sitting in my rocking chair enjoying this view…

So maybe today is the day I won’t have walked 10000 steps, nor got 30 minutes of exercise. It may clear after dinner and I might give it one more shot. You have to be intentional about getting these things done.

Mike went out to buy me a very fancy birthday gift. He’s been thinking about it for some time and with it being November, he managed to wangle an early bird Black Friday special. To get it ready for my birthday, it needed to have things installed which is what he is doing now. It’s a new laptop, that will comply with my company’s revised needs. It will make working easier that’s for sure.

When we were out on the bus-boat on Saturday, John took a series of photos of me. Nice to have a reminder of final photos of my 50s…my favourite is the one in the middle.

Goodbye to the 50s. I am grateful for them.

Tomorrow, it’s hello to an exciting new decade.

Hebrews 6:19
We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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Trying To Keep The Cat Awake


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we said good bye to you but not before some morning chess.

At 9am, you left and by lunchtime you were home. I love you all madly.

We had a quiet day & this afternoon, I even had a nap. I was woken up by Raiku meowing. The cat has a way of waking me up, mainly at some very unearthly hour of the morning. Last night, we left his cat flap open. I’ve always wanted to keep him in at night for fear of a mountainside encounter with a caracal, but we are pretty enclosed now and I don’t think caracals come this far down. Also, the internet tells me cats can smell the scent of a predator. So, while he did meow at 3am, it wasn’t for long. He found his exit and went outside, but I still prefer him to be awake, so I’ve been trying to prevent him from sleeping. Here he is a short while ago, struggling to stay awake…

Then this…

Then dreaming of mice…

Mike, Julian and David are all watching the Grand Prix. A dinner of wors rolls is about to happen.

A very restful day.

Psalm 105:4
Look to the Lord and His strength; seek His face always.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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A Quacking Day


Dear Elsie

Today was a quacking day! . I hope these photos will remind you of all the fun we had today.  We went to the beach first thing this morning and had some fun there…

We came home, had a lovely cooked breakfast and then we drove into Cape Town to go on the Duck! It’s an amphibious bus that goes on land and sea. It was such fun!

David and Anna and John and Avril…

Stacey, Adrian and  Elsie on the bus…

It first drives around the waterfront with amusing Dan giving history of some of the buildings. Then it’s onto the sea, which brings with it a whole new dimension of fun and interest.

We went past the Two Oceans Aquarium with all the seals and under the 2 pedestrian bridges.  John and Avril on the duck.

The Jolly Roger passing by…

David and Anna,

Peter and Riana…

It was such an interesting experience going for a drive and then for a chug across the water. Literally a bus that becomes a boat.  This is all of us…

And a lovely family photo…

Three of us…

From there we all went through to Little Stream, where Adrian and Stacey were married in 2009. We had a late lunch.

We had some fun on the swings and we walked around to reminiscing where the wedding took place.

In the evening, we had cake and I opened the family gifts. My birthday is only on Tuesday but it’s started early.  Such a lovely memorable day with my closest family and friends.

Grateful. Appreciative. Blessed.

Hebrews 4:13
Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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Family Weekend


Dear Elsie

Today was the day you came to visit! I have thought of what to do this weekend for a long time. I pondered if we should go away for it, but then thought that wasn’t necessary if we had everyone come here for a family weekend at home.  And so you came. Not long after your arrival, you played chess with David. He set up a position and you had to try to check mate him.

You played with your Dad.

And  you practiced the rolling can game, which you are getting pretty good at.

We had fun with David. We sent a photo to Anna saying David was having a fling.

Tonight we are having dinner and games and then tomorrow we have a bunch more activities planned. It’s going to be a fun weekend. We have lots to be grateful for.

Hebrews 3:6
Christ is faithful

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂




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Heading For The Hills


Dear Elsie,

Today feels like Friday but that’s because I’m taking most of tomorrow off, so I tried to finish all my work today. Tomorrow I get to see you! I am so excited.

Today I headed for the hills. I have found the best walking exercise is climbing hills, so I did 3km in one direction, a little loop at the end and then retraced my steps. Here are some of the hills. Highway is a massive hill on its own, but when I get to the top, there’s still this one – Contour Way.

Once I’ve gone across the mountain to the bottom of Mountain Rd, Berg Rd looms…

Coming back up Berg road is harder work.

It was really good for mind, body and soul.

Work was done. The end of the month. It’s been a really busy one. November will be less busy, I think.

Courage’s Gabion baskets are marching up the hill. They are looking fabulous.

Every single stone has come out of the mountain. So many rocks this mountain has.

Julian has arrived. Let the celebrations begin!

Psalm 103:2-5
Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all His benefits— who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

Words to remember.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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My Personal Shark Spotters


Dear Elsie

Today it was too windy to swim, so I walked. I had a really good walk too. I walked up Contour to Mountain and then up to the shark spotters hut. Only, it was not the Shark Spotters I wanted to speak to, it was the Trek fishermen. When I’m swimming to the barrel, I often look up to see if the Trek fishermen spotters are there. They have a white bakkie and are clearly visible from the water.

They are there early in the morning before the official shark spotter arrives. I can never take a photo of them from below because I’m always in the sea and  I can’t see them from the cat walk.  Walking up the mountain today, I got to have a very interesting conversation with these very knowledgeable experts on fish. They said they can clearly see shoals and sharks and would alert the trek fishermen on the beach. In fact, they once did. I was swimming towards the lighthouse when I saw a guy running down the beach. I then noticed him waving frantically. I stopped swimming and he gesticulated for me to get out the water. A bronze whaler had been spotted so they got all the swimmers out the water. This happened early in the morning before the shark spotters came on duty. Really helpful team are the Trek Fisherman. One of them gave me his glasses and told me to look at the sea. They were polaroid and got rid of all the glare. They were quite happy for me to take their photo.

Then we spoke about the shark bite incident off Strandfontein and they said it was most likely to be a ragged tooth shark, if a shark at all. That would have done some damage but they are generally not aggressive. The man may have swum through a shoal of fish that the shark had its eye on and snapped at the wrong swimmer. The Trekkies said they had not seen any Great White sharks for more than 5 years. So, my confidence is buoyed that when I’m swimming, and the bakkie is there, I will have my own set of personal shark spotters. I appreciate them.

View from Mountain Rd.

I walked 6km, got home just before 8.30am. A good day’s work followed.

Now we are settling in for the evening. Mike & I have been watching some of our favourite romcoms. The other day it was Serena. Last night it was You’ve Got Mail.

Tomorrow Julian arrives for my birthday weekend and it will be great for him to be here for my birthday as well. We’ve got some celebrating to do!

Psalm 102:18
Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord.

That’s us!

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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Afternoon Off


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I had a couple of ours off this afternoon! It’s been the first weekday  this has happened in a long while, so I went shopping – that was fun.

The day began with sunshine and only a little wind so we went to the beach, but I forgot my cap and goggles so didn’t do any crawl, but bobbed out to the barrel and back a couple of times, so got my 30 minutes.

What always surprises me is how flat the sea can look in these photos but in reality the waves were quite intense this morning. They came in with power and it was easy to be completely bowled over. Yet, looking at the picture above, the sea looks flat and harmless.

Back home to work and as my UK colleagues woke up (2 hours behind us now), I started getting happy birthday messages!  It was incorrectly put on the calendar for today instead of next Tuesday. I’m always up for early birthday celebrations!

Meantime, Mike was out in the sunshine getting the levels & positioning right for the growing line of gabion baskets.

A good balanced day.

Oh, and here’s one more photo…it’s Raiku yesterday morning greeting Cybil who is the next door cat.

A year ago when David’s condition had worsened, I took great comfort from these words…

Lamentations 3:22-24
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him.”

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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Cat Walk More Than 130 Years Ago


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I went looking for particular rocks on the cat walk that were reflected in the book I recently read. This is the cat walk more than 130 years ago. It was prior to the train line from Fish Hoek to Simon’s Town. That came in 1890. Prior to that, this is what the cat walk looked like.

And this is it today…we think those rocks are the ones, although, the big one on the right seems to have been broken up. Also the picture above is a painting. The bushes conceal what is going on behind, but the mountains seem to line up.

That was fun to find. We must take the book with us and look up other scenes.

Meantime, we had a good laugh over dinner this evening. We recalled a time about 10 years ago when I went for a brief time onto Cape Town TV to help them raise money for the station. I was supposed to train the presenters to do the fundraising but in the end, I was dragged on set and had to do the presenting as well. Dutifully, Mike and David sat down to watch. They tuned in a few minutes before the appointed hour and were pretty much staring blankly at the very amateur interview that was taking place. The TV show host was not wildly articulate and he was interviewing a very accomplished, well spoken head boy of a local high school.  The topic was leadership and something was said, which led to the TV presenter blurting out with enthusiasm, “yes because too many cooks spoil the brothel!”  

Never forgotten and always howled over when relating the story.

Work was accomplished and now it’s time to turn off for the night.

A Psalm I should be trying to learn…

Psalm 100:1-5
1.Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
2. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.
4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.
5 For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.

It’s now about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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A Bit of Everything, Including ‘Shark’ Bite Update


Dear Elsie,

Today there was a bit of everything, but let me start with an update to yesterday’s so-called Shark bite incident. was the only place I found any news. They published this late yesterday….read the last sentence! It may have been a seal!

I’ve often said there is a greater danger of being bitten by a seal than a shark in our waters, but you never know.  I do keep an eye out for them. Anyway, I’m glad the injuries were not life-threatening.

Today I went for an early morning walk. I went up the hill in time to enjoy a mountainside rainbow…

I came down along the secret lanes below Ranger Rd

Down Rice Lane…

Which arrives here…

I stopped at PnP to pick up eggs and bacon and then came home via a rainy Fish Hoek beach.

I encountered Mr Cool!  Sharp haircut, headphones, snazzy shades, beaded necklace, sparkling trainers – he had it all for his trip to the cat walk! I had to take a photo of him…he put on all the attitude and the pic came out like this…

He loved the photo, so I sent it to him via Bluetooth. (I don’t know why I do these things, but he appreciated it!)

Home to find Raiku looking smug. He had caught a little field mouse & felt he had done us a great service in doing so. His prowess, his hunting skill, his pounce and capture, all summed up in this look – aren’t I clever!?

David dealt with the remains.

Bacon and eggs were consumed.  I did some reading. I watched YT and went shopping.  And, I did some work, so I’m going into the week fully on top of things.

The rain has arrived.

Titus 2:11
For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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News of a Shark Bite at Strandfontein


Dear Elsie

I was writing today’s blog on a glorious October day when a story came up on my Facebook feed that a shark bit someone at Blue Water beach which is by Strandfontein.

Apparently the victim had minor injuries, but it leaves more questions than answers. This post was put out at 4.24pm

Where was he when he was bitten – was he swimming, fishing, paddling? What kind of shark was it? Apparently, they didn’t close the beach at Muizenberg, so I’m not sure what is going on. Shark bite but it doesn’t seem to have been by a great white. I’m sure more news will come out soon.

Meanwhile, tomorrow, rain is forecast, so we were very happy to have an opportunity to head to Fish Hoek beach today.

I did things a little differently today. Instead of going straight into the water, I joined Mike on his run. He ran much slower than usual so that I could keep up! I conclude I’m not a runner. Swimming is far more my thing, along with walking. I love walking. After the run, I swam out to the barrel and back. If you could bottle the feeling I felt after getting out the water, and sell it, a lot of money would be made. It’s a buzz of heightened well-being – endorphin central.

There were loads of people on the beach. The surf-ski club was packed. Dog walkers, cyclists, swimmers, sun-tanners all enjoying the beautiful day.

We walked home under the middle sub-way. The view from that spot…

As soon as we got home, we did a quick clean up and then Anna’s parents arrived for coffee. We had a good chat. They are marvellous gardeners and had lots of advice for what we could plant in the spots we do have available.

The afternoon was restful. I had a lovely chat with Stace and am looking forward to seeing the family next weekend as the birthday celebrations begin.

I’ll be watching for more news on the shark bite.

Psalm 98:7
Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world and all who live in it.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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The Porcupine Quills


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I got my steps done upfront. Leaving at around 7am I walked to Valyland and came home the long way round, racking up 6.73km. Home for breakfast and a visit from David …

…and then I got stuck into work.

The other day, Jonathan, the neighbour was telling me the awful story of how his dog, Badger came too close to a very angry porcupine. The quillpig wasted no time in shooting his sharp spikes into Badger’s hind leg. Jonathan spent a grueling evening trying to get them out. It’s not that easy. It seems when a porcupine quill pierces the skin, it has tiny little hooks that penetrate and it makes it very difficult to get them out. It’s almost always the case that the point gets left behind. As a result Badger was taken off to the vet and expensive surgical removal followed. Now he has stitches. There is a porcupine that has been seen on several occasions scuttling up the ditch next to our stairs. It was with amusement that I listened to the account of the Russian guests before they left explaining with awe the very big hedgehog they had seen.

Raiku loves porcupine quills. We often wave them in front of him and he goes into full hunting mode, attacking with great gusto. When Jonathan told me his porcupine story, I asked him for the quills, which he was very happy to part with.

This afternoon, while I was on my final video call of the week, I was aimlessly playing with one of these quills when I inadvertently had it poke my finger. It didn’t draw blood, but to  my surprise, my finger immediately swelled up and a little welt appeared.

I put some antihistamine cream on it (always have tons of that around seeing as I’m regularly being stung in the sea) and to be sure, I also took an antihistamine pill. It is fine now, but it did take me by surprise. I’ll be a bit more circumspect with them in the future.

We had Mike’s spagbol as an early dinner and now we are going to watch Sabrina and eat popcorn.

2 months til Christmas. Also today I remembered with fondness my precious Aunty Wyn Beale who passed away on this day in 2018.

2 Timothy 4:5
Keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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Paul’s Showers


Dear Elsie

So now it’s called Paul’s showers! Turns out Paul spoke to the beach manager and he gave Paul keys for the communal bathrooms at the beach so the early risers can have access. Paul then went and bought two really nice shower heads and he comes prepared with extra loo paper and cleaning materials. Paul’s showers. I think there should be a sign!

But, I have to add, that Paul is at the beach really early and if you get there too long after 8am, he would have taken them down and you’ll have to wait for the city workers to arrive with their ones. Paul was very happy for me to take his photo!

Great community spirit and a motivation for us to get down there early enough to enjoy them.

Beautiful day for the beach. I had a good swim today. I’m getting back into it.

There was another unusual happening at the beach today. It had to do with the trek fishermen who own a couple of these boats…

We encountered the fishermen on the cat walk on the way down. They had tied rope around a stack of brand new strips of meranti wood. It looked wonderful, yet they were about to throw it into the sea.

Whatever for? They explained they were adding to one of the boats to make it bigger and the only way to bend the wood was to soak it for a couple of days. So in it went & a guard was posted for the duration of the day.

Back home, I finally caught up with all my work and tomorrow should be an easier day. Almost the end of the week.

Last year when David’s health was particularly bad, I took comfort from so  many verses in the Bible.  This was one of them.

Psalm 94:19
When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.

When things fall apart, we still have a solid Foundation.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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