Out and About on Sunday


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we were out and about. We decided to do some walking so headed for the Admiral’s Waterfall in Simon’s Town. With all the rain, it was sure to be a sight. We were not disappointed. As we arrived, though, there was a downpour, so we sat and waited in the car for 10 minutes or so. Soon, the rain passed, the sun came out and off we went. The path starts at the end of Barnard Rd.

Path continues along the ridge.

Further on looking down.

The walk comes out alongside the river…

And then you get the full view of the cascading waterfalls.

We took a number of photos.

What a sight it was. It’s a short walk – and we hadn’t had enough, so we drove a few 100 meters back along Barnard Rd, parked on the left and set up these stairs…340 of them.

Built in 1902, they are still ‘rock’ solid. They are steep. Further up they were affected by the fire, which has changed the landscape quite dramatically. Last year when Julian & I did them, there was a lot of litter. The fire sorted that out. At the top, there is the grave of Just Nuisance and the Cross in memory of those who lost their lives in WW1.

The views along the way… 

The fire burned a lot of the foliage revealing a couple of look out posts I’d never seen before, like this one, camouflaged into the landscape on the right side of the photo.

It was a good afternoon’s exercise. We walked back to the car and then drove up Red Hill and took the road to the grave of Just Nuisance. In 40 years, I’ve never driven along that road before. Definitely one to redo. By then the clouds had gathered and there was rain so we didn’t get out of the car but came home via the shops.

We ended the day by having dinner with Peter, Riana, Jacques and Karen.

A full weekend.

1 Corinthians 7:15b
God has called us to live in peace.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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