Old and the Recent


Dear Elsie

I’ve been reading Travels Along the Coastal Road (Simon’s Town to Muizenberg 1743 – 1890) and it’s fascinating to take a trip into the past and see how life was lived in Fish Hoek all those years ago. There are many old photos in the book.  The road between Muizenberg and St James looked like this in 1858…

A few month’s ago when I walked back from the hairdresser, I took this photo…not from exactly the same place but you can see the difference.

One day I’ll have to take the book with me to try get a photo of the exact spot of some of these photos. This next one is Clovelly corner. Back in the day it was called Kepple’s Folly and was one of the most treacherous parts of the route from Muizenberg to Simon’s Town.

It’s not really recognisable from today’s Clovelly corner. If the rocks could talk!

It wasn’t only the steepness of the bank they had to worry about. They were then met by the Silvermine River which regularly had sinking sand. Getting across was often really difficult and time consuming. Once across this river, along the beach was Fish Hoek’s southern side…1895

And in 2024…

Time moves on. One wonders what our mountain will look like in 100 years time. We need to make the most of every day and try to enjoy it.

Today I worked, I walked and this evening David and Anna came for dinner, so that was a treat.

Psalm 91:2
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.”

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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