Noordhoek Farm Village Fun


Dear Elsie

As I sit here writing, you are downstairs fast asleep (I hope) after a very eventful day. You and I had a fun time today at Noordhoek Farm Village. You loved their playground and we spent almost 2 happy hours there. You easily conquered the climbing wall, wasting no time shimmying up it with easy…over & over again! Up…


& over….

It’s part of the Rooster Jungle Gym…

Pink slide

The slide you love the most is the orange ‘pipe’ slide.

Afterwards, we found snacks at the Foodbarn Deli. On the way home,  you really didn’t want to stop at Checkers so I had to make it into a game of speed. We dashed into Checkers to see how fast we could buy milk. I grabbed  flings on the way to the milk. We got the milk and rushed to the checkout, getting straight to the teller. By the time we left the till, my stopwatch said 4 minutes, 15 seconds. Trying to beat 5 minutes, you ran, pulling me along. We got to the car 30 seconds later. Shew! 5 minutes to buy milk in the big Checkers store. That must be a record!

We returned a little while ago from a lovely family dinner at Barracudas. It was great to have you and your Mom, David & Anna, Julian and us altogether. Hopefully next time your Dad will come too.

We finished the evening with you playing Chess with David and you won! It’s been a treat having you. Tomorrow, you go home, but it won’t be long before we see each other again, because your graduation from Grade R is around the corner. I love being your Gran.

Ephesians 5:2
Live a life of love

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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