My New Green Card


Dear Elsie

Today was the day that I got a new Green Card. It gets me 12 entries into a number of local national parks, like Cape Point, which is by far the most expensive. That makes the R190 card worth R1200. One of the best things about it is you can take SA family & friends with you and they also get in for free using one of my entries. To get the card, you need ID photos, proof of residence and your ID. For the pics, I went to the photo place by the library.

The very nice man quickly sorted me out and I then went to Tokai to the TMNP sales office.

That also took 2 ticks.

I’m ready to go. It had taken just over an hour and a half from leaving home, getting the photos, driving to Tokai, getting the card and getting home again. Not bad at all.

Early this morning, my walk took me to the end of my road and back and then all the way along Hillside to Kommetjie Rd. but walking along Kom road is really unpleasant, so I went up the last lane on Hillside, which is this one…

It comes out at Highway and cuts off all Kommetjie Rd. To achieve 5km, I had to go up Ravine Steps and onto the mountain.

Then I walked to the end of Mountain Rd to just below the Shark Spotters’ Hut to enjoy this view…

And all the way home again. It was a very pleasant route and was more than 5km which was great. It also was a good test as to how much I’m up for walking in the wind. It was fine, because half was into the wind and the other half was with it at my back.

After I got home, I heard a helicopter flying quite low. In this wind? Something was going on, on the mountain behind.

I never found out what the reason for it was.

Now it’s the end of the week.

Apart from Isaiah, I’ve been lapping up Galatians.

This is a profound statement:

Galatians 5:6
The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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