Mountainside Will Soon Be Blocked


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we did an evening walk along the mountainside. You once went with me. This was in March last year. 

We used to have to do this….(Jan 2023)

But now there is a wall and gabion baskets and it’s all a little trickier. After much care and skill, we managed to wangle our way onto the mountain side and walked past the blue cottage. We agreed in about a year’s time we most likely won’t be able walk between our house and the blue cottage because the neighbouring plot is soon to be developed.

This is from the other side of the blue cottage. A beautiful evening.

We walked to where I saw the tortoise the other day and to my surprise, this had happened.

It’s the start of Joti’s cabin. We can see this plot from our balcony, so tomorrow I need to remember to take a look.

Joti came to stay at our place right after she bought the plot 2 years ago. She had hopes and dreams of putting up something small. I think she expected it to happen far sooner, but literally, it’s been two years to get Council plans approved. I’m not sure how she will get services and access to the plot. Tomorrow, I will look with interest to see which route the builders are using to get materials there.  Once Joti’s cabin is up, we won’t be able to cross to the next section of mountainside. We can always walk higher up the mountain but at the moment there are no paths there and it’s bush-bashing all the way.

I did a good day’s work and now it’s another quiet evening because David went to the running club for a braai. Not that he’s running, but he has been slowly getting stronger. He  is still unable to exercise but he tolerates more activity as long as he has the opportunity to have regular rests. Time moves on. Last year it was like walking through endless mud. It was a horrible year. This year has flown by. Today I started reading Job. I remember reading it last year in the context of David’s illness and getting perspective. God never wastes pain. Job had an unwavering trust in God.

Job 1:20
Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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