Miller’s Point


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we went to Miller’s Point with David. Millers is on the way to Cape Point, about 5km after Simon’s Town. The beautiful sea front land was sold to Edmond Miller in 1825. He developed it as another (horrible) whaling station. That lasted for 25 years and after that it was hardly used until 1920s when the Molteno family bought it as a holiday retreat. They donated it to the city in 1961. There are two entrances – one down to the Black Marlin restaurant (in the Manor House of the Molteno family).  The second entrance takes you to the slipway and it’s in that location there is a marvellous tidal pool.

Mike left for a 6km run, while we got ready to swim…

I had to try out the slide…

The water was so warm (about 18C). We left our bags on the rock and were both in the pool when a lone (confident) baboon came along to investigate. David said not to worry, he’ll find there’s no food and move away. He opened David’s back and then moved onto mine. In one of the pouches was my cell phone and I was worried he would move the bag and it would slip into the sea, so I started up the stairs towards him. That seemed to do the trick as he ran off.  I got some swimming done and it was really a highlight of the day.  When the tide came it, it bought with it numerous blue bottles. That made me call it a day!

Later in the day, Julian and I walked to the end of Fish Hoek beach and back. I took a photo of Clovelly corner.

If the rocks below the road could speak, they would have stories to tell. This is what the descent looked like in 1898. (From the book Travels along the Coastal road by Michael Walter).

Not for the faint hearted.

Yesterday, when we came home from a walk, we met David and Anna who had just arrived home. David had found a tennis ball. He decided it would be a good idea to try throw it up to our house. With all the strength he could muster he threw it as high as he could. It landed somewhere and never came back down. When Julian and I went back up to our level, there it was on the balcony. I don’t think we have seen the last of that old tatty tennis ball!

It is wonderful having David feeling stronger and able to get out and about. He still can’t walk too long or be on his feet for more than 10-15 minutes, but he is generally doing much better and pacing himself.

The end of a very pleasant weekend.

2 Thessalonians 1:6
God is just

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂




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