Dear Elsie
Today was a medical test day. The day dawned with cloud and mist. It was ethereal.
I left for Constantiaberg just after 7.15am, giving myself plenty of time to get caught in traffic. All the tests went off well. They have a new mammogram machine. It’s called the Mammomat B Brilliant –
I don’t know who decided upon that as a name but it is quicker than the previous one. Apparently the images are better quality.
From there it was onto the bone density room.
That took about 15 minutes. You lie on the x-ray table on your back. The radiographer sets you up in a certain positions. The arm going over the bed takes the images. It runs the length of the bed. One hip is done and then the other. Then your spine while you are still on your back before rolling onto the right side and doing your spine from that angle. I’ll get the results when I see the gynae later this month.
With the routine tests done and with Riana and I both with no problems, we went off to celebrate. I hadn’t had breakfast so I was ready. Riana knew of this place and it was like being in a little Italian courtyard- hidden away. You’d never guess where it is. If you know, you know! I’ll come back here for sure.
The entrance…
Apart from the lovely surroundings, it was even better catching up with Riana.
I got home and worked from about 12 to 6pm. I got through a lot of work and feel I’m getting on top of things.
I’m grateful for today in so many ways.
Psalm 47:8
God reigns over the nations; God is seated on His holy throne.
It’s not about now – we are only passing through.
Keep the smile going.
God bless you.
In His Grip,
Gran xx 🙂