Making Soap


Dear Elsie

Today was the day I made a new cake of soap from old slivers. This has a back story. Decades ago when there was no internet, we had Christmas catalogues – advertising magazines. I used to order a few things, diligently sending off a money order or cheque. One of the things they sold and I always thought would be fun was a ‘soap saver’. I never ordered it, but always thought it looked a good idea. So imagine my surprise when I walked into a charity shop the other month and there was one of these 1980s soap savers.

I kept old bits of soap and today was the day I got to try it out.

All that needs to be done is for the bits of soap to be soaked in hot water for about 10 minutes. Then I put the softened soap in the molder, put the covers back on and let it cool.

And out came the cake of soap.

These days you can melt the soap down in the microwave (I didn’t think of that) and you can buy silicon shapes that make really fun soap for kids. Something to think about!

I’ve just watched the Whale boat come flying by.

I’m not sure why as I haven’t seen any whales this afternoon, not like yesterday. What a display. To start with a yacht was chugging across the bay when suddenly right next to it, a whale breached. Mike and I both saw it. I took a photo afterwards – you can see the flat water right behind the yacht – that’s where it went down.  The displacement of water is at least double the length of the yacht.

Later we had a message on our group to say there were whales right in front of us. They were super close and very active. I think they were Brydes Whales. There were two of them. Not only were they breaching, but they were also grunting, not unlike the bellowing of an elephant, albeit not as loud. It was quite a spectacle which ended as darkness fell and we lost sight of them.

I cleaned house and we walked to the shops for a few supplies. Even though I’ve clocked 10000 steps, it’s been a day that was much easier on my legs than yesterday – but not quite as memorable.

Isaiah 16:5
In love a throne will be established; in faithfulness a man will sit on it— one from the house of David—one who in judging seeks justice and speeds the cause of righteousness.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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