Dear Elsie
Last night was an absolutely beautiful, breathless evening. We went to the Blue Water Cafe at Imhoff. No booking required. Sitting outside was lovely. The view quite spectacular.
I had the Chef’s Salad which came with Salmon. It was delicious.
During the course of the evening, one of us looked up. We didn’t realise we were sitting below several treehouses of note.
We were fortunate not be on the receiving end of anything.
David and I.
We had a lovely evening.
Today Mike and David went out to test-drive cars. Mike is thinking of replacing his, given his irritation with the automatic gearbox. Apart from that he absolutely LOVES his Ignis, except the clutch. With VAT going up, he’s thinking if he trades it in, he may as well do it before 1st May. I think they left at 10.15am and returned at 2pm. They were gone for that long! When I messaged, David said they were nearly home and sent this photo!
Good father and son time. Two cars were taken for a test drive with a refreshment and recovery time in between. We’ll see what transpires.
The other thing that happened today was the long standing bougainvillea that was on our outside wall got taken down. We will be redesigning our entrance and it had to go. It looks a bit bare & needs a coat of paint, but Mike has a plan…
Mike bought a battery operated chain saw that doesn’t make a huge racket. Courage absolutely loved it. He went mad and cut down all and every bit of overgrown shrubbery around the property. It’s now all piled up on kerb and will be collected tomorrow.
I’m soon to be summoned for a short walk. Let me go.
I’m in the Gospel of Luke now.
Luke 2:40
And the child grew and became strong; He was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon Him.
It’s not about now – we are only passing through.
Keep the smile going.
God bless you.
In His Grip,
Gran xx 🙂