It’s the Weird Winter Weather


Dear Elsie

Today your Mom sent me a photo of you practicing your sums. Grade R, 6 years old and very neat.

Today there was the weird winter weather that sometimes comes to Cape Town. It’s when the north wind blows warm air off the mountain and we call it a Berg Wind. It usually arrives before the rain. The sunrise was a hazy orange ball. This was 7.58am.

The berg wind days are always good days to do washing. It dried within hours, so all our hiking kit from yesterday is now clean.

I worked in the morning and when I had finished, I took off most of the afternoon. I walked down to Fish Hoek to buy mayo and took a long route home, meandering through the very quiet avenues.

When I got back to the mountainside, I heard the steam train chugging through Fish Hoek & managed to get a photo from between a couple of houses.

I went home via Daisy Lane and took a photo of the beach to compare it to the misty day. With mist the other day…

Without mist…today…

By tomorrow, it should be raining.

A couple of other things have happened in the ‘hood. The dog next door got two porcupine quills shot into his mouth, poor thing. Badger was being taken for a walk at about 10pm last night when all of a sudden a threatened porcupine zapped him. I must keep a look out for them. Raiku loves playing with porcupine quills. Talking of Raiku, yesterday when we got home from our hike, I looked out our bedroom and saw him on the roof of the house across the road.

I called to him. While he didn’t look up at me, he heard me alright and immediately started  across the roof…he jumped down onto the wall…

And then onto the driveway and came home…

Naughty boy. I think he had been over there because we had been out. We had left the study window open so he had access to food and water, but we had closed the study door.

Grateful for today – 4  years ago today I had my jaw surgery! All good 4 years later.

Psalm 135:13
Your name, Lord, endures forever, your renown, Lord, through all generations.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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