If Sunshine is Served, Walking is Done


Dear Elsie,

Today was the day I kept thinking it was Friday, but it’s not! I worked for most of what was a splendid June day and then I put on my walking shoes, my hat and my sunglasses and off I went. I also took my stick. If sunshine is served, walking is done.


From the path off Contour Rd…

How can you call this winter?! That was a good walk. I’m on track for my 3 million steps. I like that I’ve walked 1064km this year!

Today, I went to sit down on my rocking chair, but it was already occupied.

I approached and lowered myself onto the front…Raiku, “my comfort is being compromised”

“I’m out of here!”

Happening now right behind me: this is the Raiku’s ‘do not disturb’ pose.

Meanwhile, in the cottage the beam has been trimmed so there is more headroom in front of the window.

Now Mike is wondering if we should bite the bullet now while all the ceiling board is off and put in a bigger window. The engineer came and there’s no issue with the roof structure – in fact when the house was built in 1948,  it was over engineered and made with Oregon pine. Mike suggests putting in a big picture window with the 2 opening windows remaining on each side. That would be pretty impressive. We’ll see.

End of Thursday 13th June 2024. A successful day.

Such a sweet line from Psalm 131:2

“I have stilled and quieted my soul.”

Wise advice.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂




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