I Felt Useful Today


Dear Elsie

Today was a useful day. I woke up around 6am and went  through my usual routine. With the wind churning up the sea, flinging mountains of seaweed onto a messy beach, I chose not to go down for a swim. When the shark spotter team didn’t put out the net, that was all the confirmation I needed that it was a good day to miss.  It was good to speak to you! You are playing Minetest and really enjoying it. I think your Mom is very smart getting you to do your chores before playing on the computer. You are so helpful in emptying the dishwasher and putting things away. It’s good to be a hard worker. This is one of your Minetest creations.

We had a relaxing day. I made egg and bacon for David & Mike. We love crispy bacon and I’ve found the perfect way to make it.  I didn’t have any this morning so David and Mike ate the whole 250g.

I checked my company e-mail and saw something important, so I hopped on line and did 2 hours of work, which made me feel very useful. I know the work I did will be appreciated. It’s Saturday and no one works on a Saturday! Also what I did reduces the amount of work I’ll have on Monday so it was win-win.

By 4pm I had only done 1481 steps so I took a walk to drop off some tin cans I’d been collecting for a local initiative. Home, dinner, bit of puzzling. I’m about a 3rd done. Going at this rate it will take me about 3 weeks. Sorting is really important. Once that’s done, it’s a matter of matching the pieces and putting them in. I find it very relaxing.

David has had a good few days. Last night I watched an excellent video which really explained his condition well.  If you want to know what’s going on with David, watch this…

We feel we are now all adapting and moving forward. Pacing is very important and he’s trying to get that right. We are feeling more positive.

Psalm 36:5
Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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