Healing Hand


Dear Elsie

This Sunday was a Rainday. The sun did shine from time to time, but was interspersed with showers. We had a lovely morning with David having a cooked breakfast with us. He went off to teach. I rested and then at lunchtime, we took a walk to Harbour Bay.  We walked past the place where I took a tumble. Tomorrow, it is two weeks. We were walking towards the road and I tripped over these weeds…

My right hand hit the tar and gouged a nasty graze at the base of my hand. It was so sore. When we got to Harbour Bay, I rinsed it off under the bathroom tap and nearly went through the roof.  Although a small area, it’s been a bit of a nuisance over the last two weeks because it’s my right hand and I use it so much. I had to adjust, for example,  how I pick up the kettle and how I push myself up in bed, how I sweep and how I put on a jersey. Then the centre kept breaking open. When I had to go out and meet people I’d put a plaster over it so I could shake hands without wincing. But I couldn’t leave the plaster on for too long because then it became soggy. Such a little sore, such an irritation. Finally, after two weeks, it’s completely dried out and I can stretch my hand almost without feeling it. It’s healing from the outside in, but you can see the red part in the middle – that was the crack that kept breaking open.

Another week and it should be gone. No tripping today, but the walk was perfect. There was one or two little showers but not enough to get too wet. The overhead railway lines were being repaired at Glencairn. No trains on a Sunday.

The waves were quite a sight, although they never appear as dramatic on a cell phone photo. The big ones at the end of the set, thundered onto the rocks, emitting a whooshing boom.

And there was a rainbow.

We got home before the afternoon rain began and missed a number of windy showers. The temperature today has been surprisingly low. They said there was a maximum of 9, which is unusual for daytime. Our walk was nearly 8.5km.

Now it’s time for me to get the dinner on.

Romans 11:36
For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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