Getting My Emotional Act Together

I was shell-shocked and overwhelmed when I got out of the orthodontist’s office  yesterday. Today is a new day and with it came with a more settled view of the next 18 months of gruel and more direction to move forward.

What did surprise me is that I was so upset! Imagine if this was something really serious – I would be a basket case. I have got to get my emotional act together – this is only my mouth. It is not terminal or even serious. To be honest it’s expensive and inconvenient. Perhaps that’s the reason for my frustration.

It is what it is.

And it’s certainly time now to move on.

So today, I woke early, made coffee, did my Bible reading and just over an hour of work before heading to the gym.

I’ve been thinking back to what we were doing a year ago. We were on the ship cruising down the Red Sea, from Italy to Durban. The temperature of the Red Sea is about 30C so it was warm and humid.  As I looked back on some of the photos, I got a warm and fuzzy feeling. I just so enjoyed it. It was our plan to do it again next year, but with the new build looming and orthodontic bills mounting, I am now in two minds. Mike is happy to wait and see.  We’ve book our berth and paid a deposit, but can still postpone. We don’t have to make a decision now.

Meantime, I’ll enjoy the memories….

Leaving Venice…

Suez Canal…

Garden of Gethsemane…


Arriving in Seychelles…



Finally Durban…

#924 of my 1000 thanks if for these great memories. It certainly helps getting my emotional act together!

Psalm 18:35

You have also given me the shield of  Your salvation; Your right hand has held me up, Your gentleness has made me great.


These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


  • 30 minute fast walk.
  • 36 minute Grid – it was a different format today. The routine was 6 x 45 second exercises 6 times. Heart rate at the end 158.
  • 5 minute cool down cycle.
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