Flying Through Fog

Last night’s flight was mostly smooth. It was just about half way into the flight back to Cape Town from Johannesburg that the seatbelt lights came on and an announcement was made. The air hostess said there was some turbulence expected and that for the duration of it, they would not be offering any hot drinks! With that we started flying through thick cloud. The plane shuddered a bit, but not enough to be concerned. It was just very eerie out there…all very white, with no sign of land or sky.

And then all of a sudden we came out the other side…and swirling puffy white clouds with the sun shining brightly on them sprang into sight. They were magnificent.


Today has felt a bit like the fog…it’s been like walking through treacle – I have not proceeded as quickly as I would have liked. I need to format 5 documents for 33 applicants by Friday. I’ve done 10. Some have not yet sent their documents. For some I’ve got most of them. And, I still have a number of people to call. It’s 8-35pm and I’m only doing my blog now.

But guess what?

I will fly out of the fog pretty soon and the brightness of the sky and the perfection of the silver lining will be as sweet as the picture from my flight.

Other photos of my day…Mike made me a mega cappuccino…


And Truffles slept on…


Even though I feel like I’m in fog, I do know that every document handled, every CV tweaked, every passport formatted is a step in the right direction. I will get the 165 documents done by Friday! Yes I will!

#104 of my 1000 thanks is that I have so ย many documents to format!! Yay! It’s work and lots of it! ๐Ÿ™‚

When you feel you are stuck in the fog of life, blurred by thick clouds, know this about God:

Psalm 104:3

He makes the clouds His chariot and rides on the wings of the wind.

He is right there with you!

And He will bring you out into the sunshine, where the going is easier.

Just got to hang in there!

These are the days!

Keep the smile going!

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Helga xx ๐Ÿ™‚

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