Dear Elsie
Today was the day I took my first Boniva pill. It’s important for me to make a note, because time has a way of passing very, very quickly and before I know it, I’ll be counting the years I’ve been on the stuff. While the active ingredient is ibandronic acid, the group of medicines is called bisphosphonates and the name of the pill is Boniva 150mg. This is not one to play with. My cholesterol pill I took 10mg for the first month and then diligently cut it in half and have taken 5mg every day. I’ve cut back on half of the chemical and maintained a health cholesterol, but a cholesterol test can be done any time and is cheap. Bone density tests are R2300, so my next one will be next year to see if this is working. I’m not going to cut this pill in half. Anyway, I took the pill, following the instructions to the tee.
Pill taken, sat in my rocking chair and watched a video. An hour later, I made coffee and at at 7.30am we went to the beach. The water was laden with seaweed. Knee deep kelp had everyone chirping. I bobbed out to the barrel and swam in the murk. It was still a lovely swim, even though I left the water with a cozzie full of bits and pieces of ocean grass!
A main part of today – we cleaned. Thursday’s wind had caused a huge amount of dust and grime. Courage cleaned our windows yesterday. Today, we got out our new purchase and I cleaned about a cat’s worth of fur off the carpets. Mike selected this because it’s the quietest vacuum cleaner he could find.
Once that was done, I set the baby robotic Milex vacuum in motion. This is useful for cleaning under the bed.
I sat down at my computer to do this blog, when I heard a sound that made me realise it may be going where it should not be going. I jumped up and headed outside…
I’ve always wondered if it would go over the edge if left alone. I hovered over it.
And then I video’ed it…
It didn’t even nearly go over, but I don’t think I’d leave it out there unattended.
We have the next guests arriving this evening and more tomorrow. Then we will be full again. It’s been a beautiful day here…
Meanwhile, in Swellendam, it was also a lovely day.
A date of rest and contentment.
I learn a lot through Proverbs.
Proverbs 11:12
A man who lacks judgment derides his neighbour, but a man of understanding holds his tongue.
Oh Lord, teach me to hold my tongue.
It’s not about now – we are only passing through.
Keep the smile going.
God bless you.
In His Grip,
Gran xx 🙂