This photo tells a story. It’s Mike and I walking down what seems to be the 12th fairway at Clovelly, both dragging the cart, in conversation, no doubt about where the ball went. I don’t like that we are walking towards the trees!
Dustin took it. Before he left he had it printed – two copies in fact. One he gave us with a card and the other he put in this nifty frame – notice the golf clubs. I absolutely love it.
Golf has been a blessing to Mike & I. I don’t play. I just drag the bag and offer moral support. That’s my job. If things start to go awry and he’s zig zagging his way to the hole, I tell him not to rush and to take his time. Slow down.
There are lots of lessons to be learned from golf. As Dustin said in his card, “Fairways and greens, Mike, fairways and greens!” In life, aim for the fairways and greens. There’s trouble in the rough, in the hazards and in the bunkers – steer away from trouble. Aim for the fairways and greens!
Proverbs 4:26
Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.
I think it’s easier in life than on the golf course. Sometimes you mis-hit the ball. Sometimes you lift your head. Sometimes the wind takes it . Random things happen that send the ball flying into the bushes never to be seen again! 🙂
It’s a game of practice and patience.
And that is pretty much like life.
So many times, it doesn’t quite go as we expect. Sometimes we mess up. We have to get back to the fairway. The fairway doesn’t move. We just have to get back there. You have got to slow down, give careful through to the paths of your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Solomon knew just perfectly how to say it.
So that’s my favourite photo for today.
Tomorrow I think I will be putting more photos up of what is happening in the back garden. The ton of bricks have been lugged from front to back and even as I speak there is progress being made. It is going to revolutionise the top of the bank. I’ve said to Mike and number of times, ‘we should have done this years ago.’ He reminded me that years ago we didn’t have the money for it. We were busy educating children and taking care of his Mom. Now his Mom is in the best place possible – I always said that I would stop worrying about her when she went to heaven and Jesus was taking care of her. The children are taking care of themselves. Mike reminded me there is a time for everything. I hope that also means building on a mountainside as well! 😉
These are the days!
Keep the smile going.
God bless you!
In His Grip,
Helga xx 🙂