Sometimes the day takes an unexpected turn – that was what happened today only it was a slithery, scaly course of events that had me eye to eye with a venomous Black Mamba!
The day was nicely planned. Off to work I went – with the show humming along happily. I did loads of show prep after that before heading home to do some report writing. That took me to 12-45pm, which was when Riana picked me up and we went to gym. By 2pm Oxytocin, seratonin and all the happy exercise hormones were freely flowing! I walked around the corner from the gym and met Julian and David for a late lunch…here was one of the visitors to the restaurant…
The view from the restaurant…
David, messing around with my cell phone took a few ‘fast photos’…
After lunch, we stepped into the amazing chocolate shop next door and bought a few 75% pure chocolate pre-Easter treats…
Yum! It was after this that the three of decided to do what we have not done for about 12 years! Instead of hopping in the car and leaving Imhoff farm for home, we stepped inside the Snake Park!! Oh my. Julian is right. Snakes look evil! There were all sorts of reptiles, like this alligator…
And something I had never seen or heard of …a blue-tongued skink…
Meet a non-venomous yellow rat snake…
Say hello to the yellow anaconda, not to be mistaken for that Amazon green anaconda…
Then there were the copperhead snakes…can you spot the two heads…(they are in the middle of the photo….not on the right)
But the thing that fascinated us and freaked us out the most were the mambas. Venomous and creepy, they gave me the heeby jeebies…here’s the green mamba…
Curious and slithery, amazing colour….shiny green, she looks very healthy….
The black mamba was dark and deadly..
I was very glad there was glass between us….
Genesis 3:1 “Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. “
The Imhoff Snake Park is good to know about just in case you come across one of those nasties in the corner of your home. Entrance was R35 for adults. I think it will be another 13 years or so before we need to revisit it. I’ve had my full of snakes for the time being! All creeped out.
God bless!
In His Grip,
Helga xx 🙂
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