Early Morning on Elsie’s Peak


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we climbed ‘your’ peak! We haven’t done this for a while, so it was great to get out there before it got too hot and unbeknown to us, misty (current view)

We walked from home & learned it’s a 6km hike from our house to the top, a quick excursion to the cliff edge to look down on our house and doing the other side of the loop to return. I took photos at each km mark.

I started my watch clock on our stairs so the 1km & 6km photos are different. This was 1km. It’s the top of Contour Road where the road joins the mountain path.

The path winds its way around the lower mountain above the half – built house to a switchback and then the rocky path starts upwards. We got to the signpost. This marks the start of circular path.

We chose to go right on the upward journey and we came back on the left. It’s the same distance.

2km mark – looking back from where we had walked. The rock signpost can be seen. Beautiful morning. The higher you go the better it gets.

Approaching the summit…

3km to the top. These are the views…

We had our guests coming for coffee at 8.30am, so couldn’t dilly dally. It was a quick excursion to the cliff side to take photos of our house. Zoomed in…

Wide-angle photo…

It’s always good to take these photos as one day more houses will be dotted across the mountainside.  If we had a zipline, we could have got down in (probably) 90 seconds! No zip line or  foefie slide (only my South African colleagues knew what a foefie slide is)

We had to hot-foot it down. 4th km beautiful valley views…

5th km was from the lower path. I often take photos from this path.

And finally 6th km at our front gate.

It took us 1 hour and 49 minutes. Home by 8am. According to my fitness watch, to improve my fitness, this is the kind of exercise I should be doing every single day! What!?

By the time our guests knocked at the door, we were showered and ready for them. A lovely visit followed.

The rest of the day was quiet. I read and even had a sleep. Dinner next.

Colossians 1:27
To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

In my Bible, under this verse, I’ve written, “It’s not about now”. So often I think of that line. It’s not about now – we are only passing through. When I think of the disabled, of those who have long term special needs, those who are mentally challenged – it’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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