Daily Goals


Dear Elsie

Today as we started the new working year in earnest, I thought of my daily goals. They are not really new, but they are ongoing.

  1. Read through the Bible in a  year. I’m still using the Bible Julian found for me. It’s divided into 365 days of Bible readings. Each day has Old & New Testament reading, Psalm and Proverbs.

Normally, I’m out of bed somewhere between 5 & 6am, make a cappuccino for Mike and a flat white for me.  I sit in my rocking chair and that’s where I drink my coffee and do my Bible reading.

2. Pray.

3. Exercise – this usually means either walking to the beach for a 30 minute swim or going on a 5 or 6km walk, depending on if the wind is blowing or not. Over the weekend, it may be walking on the mountain. We so enjoyed the walk over the Glencairn saddle with Julian and Gerrie the other day. Getting 10000 steps is part of this. If I swim for 30 minutes, I need to do an additional walk sometime during the day to get my steps.  It’s beautiful weather this week, so swimming is it.

4. Work – Monday to Friday – 6-8 hours – meet work goals.

5. Write this blog!

6. Have some down time each day. This usually means after work, after dinner, before bedtime.

While these are goals, they have become daily habits.

On the home front, I took two photos today that made me happy. This is David going up the stairs. For at least half the stairs, he was going my speed. The fact that he is not using the hand rail is huge.

I think he was going so fast at this spot because he was trying to catch up with Raiku who is  visible a few steps higher.

The second thing that made me happy is (finally) the contractors for the city came to cut the firebreak behind.

1,2,3,4,5 are done. Time for 6!

Matthew 5:43-44
You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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