Communication is Everything…


Communication!  How important it is. I keep walking past a sign in Longbeach Mall that makes me laugh every time. It’s communicating a message of a store moving…

Ok! Now, some fundamentals about this sign. Firstly, Boller Low is actually Buller Louw!  Secondly the move is NEXT DOOR. The shop isn’t even down the passage, or on the other side of the Mall. The shop moved next door! They probably didn’t even need a sign at all!

Communicating with Granny reaches a whole new level altogether. She has lost most of her ability to speak. I have come to know her likes and dislikes, when she wants tea and her favourite foods. I’ve devised her routine and generally keep her supplied with her favourite snacks and toiletries. Sometimes she says ‘yes’ when she means ‘no’ and sometimes she doesn’t want to do what I’ve asked her to do… like visit the bathroom before bed! We had a hilarious scene the other day when I told her to go to the bathroom to brush her teeth and she didn’t do it. I thought perhaps she had already brushed her teeth, so I asked her a couple of times, but couldn’t figure the answer from her response. So I went ahead and put her to bed. When I was just about to turn the light out, she started mumbling and opened her mouth to take her teeth out! Now it was up to ME to brush them! “MIKE!” I called! “Do you want to help?”  Mike arrived in the bedroom and I handed him a container with Granny’s teeth! LOL! We had a good laugh and he actually went and cleaned them for her! He is a saint!

When it comes to me and communication, I have to keep reminding myself, that just because I know something, it doesn’t mean everyone else does. And they can’t read my mind. The only person who can do that is the Lord. I’m so glad that when it comes to communication with Him, He knows it all already and I need only be still!

Psalm 139: 1-2  You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.  You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.

After church this morning, I came home, made lunch, worked this afternoon on show prep and then went and shopped for the week ahead. It was a sunny day in Fish Hoek…

I came home and made tea. The only problem with this procedure at the moment is that the kettle has a loose connection. To boil it, you have to put it at an angle and shove a knife or other implement under it to make it work…

It is still under guarantee, so this week, I’ll put it back in the box and take it back to the shop.

An exciting week ahead with shows to present, people to meet and dragons to slay. I’m looking forward to it.

God bless you richly!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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