Cheat or Compromise?


Dear Elsie

Today was the day that some may say we cheated but I say it was compromise. The plan for today was always to go to the beach, but while the wind had calmed a lot overnight, there was still quite a significant swell and the waves were expected to be 2m. While I got up early, Mike slept in and by 7.45am I was taking coffee to both him and downstairs to David. By 8.15am, we decided we would go. By 8.30, I remembered the car was blocking Julian’s motorbike in the garage. We needed to take the car out, so he could take the motorbike out to go get the other car. So on our way out, I moved the car. I told Mike, because we are so late, we could drive down the road and park at the bottom of the hill. Then when we are finished, we won’t have to walk all the way up the hill. This is the hill …

So off we went, feeling like we were cheating on our exercise routine, but nah, the circumstances this morning meant it was a compromise. We parked in a little car park at the bottom of the hill and then walked over the bridge, onto the cat walk to the beach. The waves were as big as expected. Because we were so late, the net was already out so I had a lovely swim and it was super quick getting home. We usually come up the 122 steps that make up Echo steps and are pooped at the end.

I worked more than 6 hours, shopped and then Julian and I walked to the end of the beach and back on what was a beautiful evening.

Dinner was al fresco and we enjoyed every single minute of it.

These are the days. Over the last year, there have been very few times we could say that, but today was a day of note. David is still 10% of his usual self, but something happened this morning as I read my Bible. I was reassured that David is not forgotten. Instead of tears of despair, I cried tears of gratitude.  I had come to Psalm 10.

The Psalm starts of with a valid question, one I have surely asked over the last year…
“Why O Lord do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?”

David laments the evil in the world and then comes verse 14:
“But You, O God, do see trouble and grief; You consider it and take it in hand.”

Regardless of what happens, we are not forgotten.  You are not forgotten.

It’s now about now. We are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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