Carried Away With Work


Dear Elsie

It’s almost the weekend and I’m really excited because tomorrow, my Elsie darling, your Mom comes to visit. You get to spend time with Papa while Mama gets to spend time with us.  We are so looking forward to it.

Today was the day I got carried away with work. This week, I’ve managed to finish work relatively early and then go walking, but today there was too much work to do that. I’m grateful for my work, that’s for sure.  When I did eventually get through it all, I had to go shopping as we had run out of most of our staples. I got home at just before 4.30pm. I did a little more work and then got some walking in. I walked to the end of the street.

More than 3 months have passed since the massive fire swept through the lower part of the street. They say it will take at least 5 years  for the vegetation to return to normal. No. 41 Echo is being restored. It got badly burnt. The owners hope to be back in in time for Christmas. One of the houses on the lower slopes and that felt the full force of the inferno is now under construction.

This was 8th April, the day after the fire…

This is today…. there is scaffolding and walls are going up.

I look forward to watching it grow and to see what rises from the ashes.

This is the wonderful garden just by the entrance to our street.

Avid local gardeners keep it in shape and we all get to enjoy it.

Romans 5:1
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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