Caledon Hot Springs With a Twist


Dear Elsie

Today was Caledon Hot Springs with a Twist – the twist was the best thing about the day – YOU arrived with your Mama! It was so wonderful to see you.

At first we woke up to a lot of mist, but that didn’t stop me getting up early and walking the 500m to the Caledon Freshstop where I cashed in on my 2 free Seattle cappuccinos. I loaded them up into Mike’s gloves to keep them warm and walked back to the hotel. My usual morning routine unfolded. After working for a couple of hours, we went for a full hotel breakfast before going back to work.

The afternoon was full of fun. Work was over and I went into Granny mode. We walked all over the place looking at all the hot spring options and ended at the jungle gym. The rope swing was a hit!


The only way to get Elsie off was to play follow my leader with Grandpa!

We got changed into our swimming costumes and tried out all the options. We started off in the cooler one…

And then moved to the hotter pools.

We had a grand old time & will all sleep very well tonight! It’s been a good blend of work and play.

1 Corinthians 3:19
The wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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