Bone Density Report


Dear Elsie

Today I got my bone density report and your Mom sent me your academic assessment results – you got 91% for Afrikaans, 92% for English, 98% for maths and 84% for life skills. You’re such a star! Well done!

While you are a superstar, my report wasn’t as good.

I needed my report to get approval from medical aid for full payment of the chronic medication so it doesn’t come out of our MA savings. I was really interested in what it had to say. Firstly these are the ranges for T-Scores for bone density…

This is what I have…

It will be good to keep so I can compare when I go for a follow up Bone Density Scan next March to see if the Boniva is working. One of the things about Osteoporosis is you can’t feel it. My lower back, where the issue is, feels fine. It’s a silent disease. By the time you have symptoms, it will be much worse. I’m glad I caught it early and I’m also happy my hips aren’t looking too bad.

We went to the beach this morning. It was busy. There were loads of people on this windless day. It really was surprising. I worked a full day on my return & that’s the day done.

Tomorrow David and Anna flight to Jo’burg to visit the family up there, while Stacey arrives here for a night. It will be marvellous to see her.

Psalm 62:1
My soul finds rest in God alone

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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