Beware the Owls


Dear Elsie

We have been living here for 4 years and 4 months and last night we saw something for the first time. Owls! I heard a very strange bird call – one I’d never heard before. It wasn’t the hoot of a regular owl. It was almost a brey. I opened our bedroom door to look and in the darkness I could just make out a bird on the corner of the roof of the neighbour’s house. And then another, much bigger one appeared and landed on the roof of the cottage. It was quite a sight.

Raiku completely ignored them. The one on the cottage roof was enormous…

They called to one another for a short while and then, when we tried going onto the balcony, they flew away.

I sent a message to Jonathan who lives next door and this is what he wrote back…Cybil is one of his two cats…

Wow! I was shocked. And then I got a sinking realisation that this was possibly what happened to Claw’d. It’s a year ago this coming Sunday that Claw’d disappeared without a trace. Being taken by a raptor is plausible. I always get a sense of sadness thinking about Claw’d. We never had him for long enough – only 7 months. I am hoping that when we get back from our holiday, in time for winter,  we will get a kitten for Raiku. He needs a friend.  It’s time.

This morning, I walked to just beyond Glencairn and back.

There are thousands of tomatoes growing alongside the railway line. It was remarkable how abundant they are.

Coming home, I took a photo of a passing train and it whistled to me.

Today we had a last minute booking for the loft for tomorrow and Sunday.

We ended the work week well. It was a good day and evening.

Such a tender moment in  my Bible reading this morning…

Mark 5:34
He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂



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