Back on High Alert

Yesterday Mike and I heard banging sounds over the back wall, so we took a walk to go and see. Behind our house was quiet with no signs of disturbance. Most importantly, while we were there, we continued to hear the banging. Despite being a Sunday, they were working in the estate behind us. Content that all was well, we enjoyed the rest of our Sunday. Then yesterday evening just before we left for church, I heard some suspicious sounds. Not having enough time to investigate, we ensured the house was secure and the alarm was on and off we went. Everything was fine on our return.

Then today, one of the stalwarts of the community reported a theft at an elderly man’s home not far from where we live.

I remember that feeling of being under siege. The problem is that there are too many robbers and not enough cops. The robbers know they can get away with it. In the comments section of this post, Beatie added this….

We went for a walk around the back and again found everything seemingly undisturbed, but we just need to be on high alert.

#566 of my 1000 thanks is that we have upgraded our security so we feel we are so many  more steps ahead of the crooks than we were when they first broke in on 9th August 2017.

Tomorrow is bin day. I think I will be taking a few walks up and down the road just to make sure our bin pickers know they are being watched. For future readers, pin pickers are the folk, usually from the informal settlement who come and scratch through the rubbish bins looking for discarded stuff that they could possibly use. The problem right now is that there are a bunch of thieves mixed up in the group of really needy people. Masquerading as bin pickers, the crooks make use of the opportunity to check out houses and if there are any gaps in security, they have been known to take advantage and get away with theft. At the last neighbourhood watch meeting, we were told of one section of our area that had a number of crimes on bin day. These issues stopped completely when those who were home spent some time on their streets just observing who was there and ensuring they moved on. Our dump truck has been coming quite early, so it should not be a very time-consuming exercise.

I tell you one thing, these things in South Africa may seem big to us at the time, but they don’t come close to some of the horrific major issues that some parts of world have to suffer.

Romans 8:14

All who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

Gym – Cycled for an hour. Did some machine work. I didn’t swim so my shoulder can get a complete rest.

Just saw lightning in the night sky. 🙂


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