Autumn Sunrise


Dear Elsie

Today was the day we had a super duper autumn sunrise. It is amazing how fast the sun rises and changes as it brings abundant light to the world. In autumn, with more clouds, as the sun rises it produces some spectacular displays – we were the happy recipients this morning.

This was 6.46am – we thought this was amazing…

13 minutes later 6.59am, this happened….

So spectacular.

We didn’t swim today. We had some other things on our plate so I got to work early. The north wind was blowing and that is known to cool the water considerably. Carol, one of my swimming friends said it was crampingly chilly. Amazing cloud formation.

I’m bracing myself for the next few days which should see us plunging into the colder water.  Whether I’ll swim for my regular 30 minutes or drop it to 20 remains to be seen.

Mike took Holly and Mike to the station. Ruth came and cleaned the Seaview Apartment so the new guests could be in early this afternoon. They are now settled.

The new car decision is still being made. Mike went to Kenilworth today to test drive the Fronx. It is a front runner, so who knows what will happen this week, but one thing that is for sure, Mike leaves no stone unturned when it comes to buying a new car. One day there may be a picture to post. If the car dealers have anything to do with it, they will want a sale before the end of the month – they have targets to achieve, as I do!

My family sometimes makes (a little) fun of me for my quirky YouTube preferences. For the longest season I watched ‘Say yes to the dress!’ Most recently I’m watching old seasons of the Australian “Farmer wants a wife”. I look to see which couple was successful and then follow them. It’s very tame and for some of them, I fast-forward through the episodes. The reason I mention it, is because one has just been uploaded, so I’m outa here!

Luke 6:31
Do to others as you would have them do to you.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂


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