A Thoroughly Good Saturday


Dear Elsie

Today was a thoroughly good Saturday. Part of that was speaking to you!  The sun rose with the promise of a beautiful clear day.

The plan was for us to walk to Harbour Bay for breakfast at the Blue Kiwi. Julian would meet us there. On the way we stopped at Glencairn Beach as there was a lot of activity… it was the False Bay Express Swim of 5km

Swimmers swim from Glencairn towards Simon’s Town. They turn at the wreck (opposite Harbour Bay) and then swim back ending at Fish Hoek Beach. 5km. Water temperature anywhere between 12 & 14C. What a challenge. What an opportunity! I would love to try swimming from Glencairn to Fish Hoek, but I have lost my swimming fitness and would have to get a lot more training in. Here are a bunch of the brave…

It was a perfect day for it.

Onward we walked. Julian picked us up and we went for breakfast which was delicious! This is the outlandish French toast at Blue Kiwi.

I’ll have that again!

Afterwards, Julian went onto Simon’s Town and we walked home. We were met with a side-car rally.

That was fun to watch.

In the afternoon, we went for a drive over Chapman’s Peak and stopped at the Hout Bay Coffee shop. It’s always been one of our favourites.

The coffee is delicious. Inside the shop..

The seating is in the tent. Very rustic…

They had a wheat free, sugar free ginger biscuit which I had. Mike and Julian shared a cheesecake.

From there we drove all the way along the coast through Camps Bay, Clifton, Sea Point, Green Point, through the Waterfront and back onto the freeway home again. It was interesting to see some of our old haunts from 40 years ago.

That’s why I say it’s been a thoroughly good Saturday. I also managed to work for 2 hours.

Sun is setting and dinner is waiting.

Psalm 126:5-6
Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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