A Little Look Back


Dear Elsie

Today we expected some sunshine, but instead it was a very overcast, gloomy day with occasional spots of drizzle. I worked 9 hours, but one thing that did happen is we saw a whale.  I actually got to saw it breach a few times, but this was all I could get.

We had a guest arrive and he is settling in. He’s here til Saturday.

Mike had to show us something in the Little Lookout and as we were all there, I took advantage of having a photo taken with Julian and I. We take a little look back at the birth of the Little Look out. It was originally called ‘the basement’. This is 9th November 2019.

There had been much debate about this space. Initially, it was going to be an empty space where the water tanks would go, but as it was under the house and would have a roof, it was converted into a large room. It was then going to be a laundry but one day when I was standing it  in, I looked down at the cottage in which there is already a laundry and though it was really a waste to have a second.

This was Jan 2020

So, it became the Little Lookout. It’s a very comfortable space. This is today in exactly the same spot.

It’s crazy that it’s almost 4 years since we moved in.

It’s now gone 8pm and I need to pack, for tomorrow we will be away. A last minute booking was made this afternoon. David will look after Raiku.

1 Corinthians 1:25
For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.

It’s not about now – we are only passing through.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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