17th July 1979


Dear Elsie

Today’s the day I celebrate 45 years of being a Christian.

An overwhelming appreciation that it’s not about now and that we are only passing through. I know where I am headed. As much as I may cling to this earthly world, one day when my last breath is breathed, it won’t be over for me. I know the best is yet to come.  All of that security and assurance started filtering through my mind and soul when I was 14 years old and I prayed a simple prayer to ask Jesus into my life.  And I’m just scratching the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more to come.

These are some of the words that come to mind when I reflect on what I have received over the last 45 years.

  1. Relief
  2. Forgiveness
  3. Love
  4. Security
  5. Counsel
  6. Peace
  7. Comfort
  8. Assurance
  9. Guidance
  10. Wisdom
  11. Joy
  12. Understanding
  13. Contentment
  14. Gladness
  15. Provision
  16. Satisfaction
  17. Clarity
  18. Knowledge
  19. Awe
  20. Grace

So much gratitude for what God did for me on this day. The enormity of that tiny short prayer whispered in the quietness of my bedroom is never lost on me. How can such a small step result in such a powerful outcome – only through the Creator of the Universe. He can do anything. Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Today was a normal work day. I finished around 2pm when Julian, Mike and I went across to the Thomas’s for Julian to look at some books. Mike and I then walked home. Shortcut joining two of the Ranger Rds

Valley views – looking down Fish Hoek Main Rd

Looking towards Chapman’s Peak

And finally, Raiku has got into watching planes take off at Heathrow.

Really getting into it!

Oh happy day! I love you my Elsie darling. Keep trusting Jesus all the days of your life.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you!

In His Grip,

Gran xx 🙂

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