Wednesday 28th March 2012 – Don’t Be Crafty…

Wednesday 28th March

Don’t be Crafty

Proverbs 12:2-3 A good man obtains favour from the Lord, but the Lord condemns a crafty man. A man cannot be established through wickedness, but the righteous cannot be uprooted.

This is a very good message for today. The Lord’s desire for us is to remain completely humble and gentle, to be patient bearing with one another in love (Ephesians 4:2). To beĀ  good and transparent results if the favour of God. But God cannot smile upon someoneĀ  who is crafty. What exactly does crafty mean? The dictionary says “Skilled in or marked by underhandedness, deviousness, or deception.” This is not pleasing to God. In fact, God condemns those who are crafty, devious, deceptive or underhanded. It’s a lesson not to go behind someone elses back. Don’t spread gossip. If you have a problem with someone, confront them face to face. In love, let them know how you are feeling without attacking their character. That way, you will obtain favour from the Lord. If you have been hurt by the evil others have done, don’t worry, the Lord has you in His grip. You cannot be uprooted. God is with you. He will not let you go and He will bless you and establish you for your righteousness.

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