Healthy Chocolate!


Dark chocolate has some great health benefits because the raw plant contains anti-oxidants. But you do need to choose the healthy chocolate instead of that which is laden with sugar, flavourants & other additives. My friend Peppi sent me a recipe that was sent to her for making chocolate from the raw ingredients. It’s not going to be more healthy than this.

It came from Rawlicious recipe book:IMG_20130920_133346


200g cacao butter, melted
1/2 cup coconut oil, melted (about 85g)
1/2 cup agave or honey
2 cups cacao powder
seeds of 1 vanilla pod


Melt cacao butter in double boiler, or over pot of water at low temp. Put into blender. Add melted Ice cube traycoconut oil, agave/honey and vanilla  and blend. Add in cacao powder and blend on low speed till everything combined. Can also do by hand if no blender. Pour into  molds or ice trays and allow to set in fridge.

Other flavours:
add handful of chopped nuts or raisins/gogi berries into mix
add few drops essential oil such as peppermint, sweet orange, or ginger.

Sounds great. I went & bought the ingredients which as you can see from the till slip are expensive!

IMG_20130920_120927This recipe this makes a lot of chocolate so  you may want start with half the amount.   Don’t over heat any ingredients or you will destroy the nutrients. Just warm enough.

Now, I am not brave enough to try this so I’ve given, Riana,  my more domesticated friend the project. Watch this space for results.

Yesterday, I said I had written an article as an ODesk job… this is it on the client’s website…

Amazing Nutritional Benefits of Blackberries

I saw Granny today. She was dressed and in her chair. Her biggest reaction of the morning came when David arrived. She smiled lovingly at him! 🙂

In my journey through the Bible, I’ve seen over and over, God’s timing is not our timing. I’m sure I’ve said that before on this blog & I was reminded of it again this morning. We don’t understand how God operates. His ways are far above our ways. We cannot fathom His plan, so as we walk through this life, there has to be a great deal of faith exercised. A deep internal knowing that God IS in control. His timing IS always perfect & He won’t let us down. For that reason, we take to heart Isaiah 35 vss 3&4

“Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way; say to those with fearful hearts, ‘Be strong, do not fear; your God will come…'”

Have faith today! God has not abandoned you. You need not fear. The answer you have waited for is coming!

God bless you richly!

In His Grip,

Helga  xx 🙂

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