Scrutiny Fees!


This is a red-letter day! We received and paid our scrutiny fees. We were told many months ago (maybe a year ago) that once we paid scrutiny fees, we could start on the foundations. It’s a huge step towards getting this building built.

Literally now, we just move forward with the build. Werner will go seamlessly from the ground works to the foundations proper and hopefully by the time they are both done, the plans will be fully passed and we can keep on building. An exciting day. It feels like it’s been forever in the planning, but at the same time, it feels like it’s all happened so very quickly. This is the passing of time. Enjoy every day.

Psalm 66:19-20

Truly God has listened; He has attended to the voice of my prayer. Blessed be God, because He has not rejected my prayer or removed His steadfast love from me!

Very appropriate and relevant for today!

Today we have had load shedding. This is the day Mike’s hard work on putting together our solar system has paid off. We didn’t even notice. We knew for sure the electricity in the area was off when David arrived to use our electricity and WIFI connection. The cottage isn’t connected to the Solar but the internet still works there, so Stuart is happy about that. If you can have just one thing connected, I guess a lot of people would choose WIFI.  I could carry on working, which is the whole reason we got the Solar in the first place.

I’ve been on Facebook reading the #Imstaying page. It’s now got 716000 followers. That’s a lot of good will right there…

716 669. A few minutes ago it was 716 640. Amazing that 29 people followed it in those few moments. And now, a minute later, it’s 716 681.  It’s going to be 3/4 million before the end of the day. Imagine if it gets to 1 million!

Mike and I will shortly go down to Echo to see the progress for yesterday and today.

These are the days!

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


  • Treadmill – 35 minutes
  • Super circuit – 22 minutes
  • A whole bunch of other machines


Day 338

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