Relaxing Sunday


Today has been very relaxing. I’m on leave and now adjusting to the idea of not having to go online to get some work done or check my email. We woke up late this morning. Julian and David arrived and we went to Imhoff Farm – to Blue Water Cafe for breakfast. This is the view – vines, beach, mountains…a special little corner of Cape Town.

We came home mid morning and sat around chatting.  Stacey phoned and we had a lovely long chat.

We’ve had a quiet afternoon and in about an hour we’ll head off to go for a mountain walk. The weather has been magnificent. Blue skies and a gentle wind.

We are gearing up for Christmas and I am making mental notes of last-minute purchases that need to be made. Simultaneously, I am planning my wardrobe for Egypt. The weather looks like it will be very mild while we are there, with the maximum day time temperatures rising to between 18 & 21, while the nights just drop into single digits around 9-10 degrees Celsius.  I want to try to pack as lightly as possible. One thing I do know is the blog may get a bit sketchy while we are away. The first hotel has WIFI but in Cairo that could mean anything from ideal connectivity to a tiny spindly connection.

You get what you get and you don’t get upset!

I may need to blog on and upload as the opportunity arises.

God willing, this time next week, we will already have seen the pyramids. I must print this picture…Mike’s Dad second left…

Time for tea.

Psalm 136:26

Give thanks to the God of heaven, for His steadfast love endures forever.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


The mountain walk is coming.


1 year and 39 days

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