“Hi Sweetie Pie!”


“Hi Sweetie Pie!” That’s often how Mike greets me when he phones me. So yesterday, something REALLY funny happened. He was doing some computer maintenance at CCFm and it was taking a bit of time. He wanted to phone me to give me a status update. Lynette offered to get me on the line because there is a 7 digit code that has to be dialled to get an outside line. So Lynette phones and “I” answer and she hands the phone to Mike, who cheerfully says, “Hi Sweetie Pie!” A cool voice replies, “I am NOT your Sweetie Pie!” Mike’s mouth dropped open… Oh! And he terminated the call! Lynette says, “It was Helga! She’s having you on!” And she redials my number. This time, it IS my number and I DO answer and as I do, I hear muffled shouts and giggles and I say, “what’s going on?” Mike comes on the line, “Hi Sweetie Pie” and the whole office behind him erupts into raucous laughter! Oops! Trust me, if the lady who answered the phone and said, “I’m NOT your Sweetie Pie” knew what she was missing out on, she would have answered in a vastly different way! Anyway, that was the laugh for the day! 🙂

Mike’s been having some fun with the telescope….he set it up on the balcony and pointed it in the direction of the mountainside…

The telescope focussing on the rockYou can’t even see the rock in this photo. It’s inside the red circle. Mike looked through the telescope and then was able to take a photo through the eye-piece…

THe rock through the telescopeThat is pretty AMAZING! Yes, we will have fun with this telescope. We are going out to Betty’s Bay in a couple of months time. Viewing the night sky and watching the activities on the beach is going to be fun!

Julian arrived safe and sound last night. He came in later than expected. Mike & I stayed up and went outside on the road to wait for David and Julian to appear. It became a memorable midnight moment. We were so tired. In the middle of the road, with Mike barefoot and Helga in her nightie, under the starlit sky, we danced! Waltzing to the sound of the wind, Mike swirled me around until I was dizzy with laughter!  That was cool!

This morning, after making coffee, Mike went to his downstairs studio to connect with Stacey, while I called my ‘other mother’ – Aunty Wyn. She lived in Cape Town for many years and I used to have lunch with her every Thursday. She is 90 now and lives in Sydney,. I have wanted to call her so often, but with Granny responsibilities and the time differences between CT and OZ, I’ve not phoned for ages. We spoke for more than an hour, catching up on all the family news, literally taking up where we left off, speaking as though we have never been out of touch. No uncomfortable silences, no pregnant pauses, just a lovely familiar chat with one of God’s most precious souls. When I am 90, I want to be just like her…

Aunty WynAfter that, I got up, got dressed we all went out for breakfast. Now I’m home. Julian is out doing a bit of work. This afternoon, we hope to do a walk up the mountain. Tonight we are going out for dinner.

A short while ago, on Facebook, I noticed this photo Erin Georgiou shared from Celebrate Recovery STP Aurora

Gods voiceThere’s a truth. If you are looking for guidance, that gives you an idea of what voice to listen to.

Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God”

God bless you loads today!

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂

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