Father’s Day 2019

It was a good Father’s Day! I made coffee for Mike and then we joined David and Julian for breakfast. We had a couple of hours at home before Mike and David went to the driving range and hit golf balls.  One of my favourite photos of the two of them…on the top of Table Mountain in October last year.

Julian and I, meanwhile, parked at Clovelly corner and walked to just past Kalk Bay and back. We had a relaxing afternoon, including a call from Stacey. And then we had a cooked dinner this evening. Right now they Mike, David and Julian are watching Johnny English!

A great day all round.

Tomorrow is a public holiday in SA but I will be mainly working at usual. I did some work today, which is a good thing because it off sets the deluge that usually happens on a Monday morning. I’ll do some tomorrow early before taking Julian to the airport. It’s great having him for an extra day.

Nugget from my journey – I was thinking I must not forget to make a note of this one: After I moved to Cape Town, I made a couple of trips back to Zim to visit. On one occasion, I had got a lift up to Harare but didn’t have a lift back to Johannesburg. I was to fly from Jo’burg to Cape Town.  My holiday was coming to an end in Zim and I was getting a bit nervous that I didn’t have a ride south. I was young (about 19) and learning about praying specifically, so I gave it a shot. My prayer included the fact that I wanted a lift in a decent car with someone who was a Christian and was planning on driving directly through without stopping for the night. I didn’t want to share driving but I was happy to share petrol costs. I was hoping it wouldn’t be too expensive.

Where I was to find this person, I didn’t really know. My Mom (not a Christian at the time) kept asking if I had a lift yet and I had to keep saying, “no, but something will come up.” My last Sunday in Harare, I asked my minister to please mention it in the service. Perhaps one of the congregation was going or knew of someone who was. The minister forgot. That was really my last shot of finding someone. No social media in those days. It was word of mouth. Disappointed I returned to my Dad’s home. When he asked if I had a lift, I had to admit I hadn’t. He then said he had asked around at his church service and was given a number of someone who may be going.  This was my very last chance. My Dad and Stepmom didn’t have a landline, so I took the number to a call box nearby and I called the lady. Sure enough, she was leaving a day or two later and was happy to have the company. We arranged a pickup time and early that morning met and hit the road. She was exactly what I had prayed for. A lovely lady, Christian faith, modern car, careful driver, driving all the way through. She hardly charged me anything for the journey and dropped me off close to my sister’s home. What an amazing answer to prayer.  God is faithful.

Psalm 71:3

Be my rock of safety where I can always hide. Give the order to save me, for You are my rock and my fortress.

These are the days.

Keep the smile going.

God bless you.

In His Grip,

Helga xx 🙂


We walked – my step sound is 11432


Day 215.

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